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2. Attributes and attitudes of visual designer

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A Basic design student should develop a highly refined sense of aesthetics. He should feel comfortable making aesthetic decisions, apply these decisions to his daily life, and his personal environment, as well as to his work. His aesthetic decisions should be a reflection of his beliefs.

A Basic design student should develop technical proficiency, establish technical standards for himself, constantly strive to improve. He should make use of current developments in technological information, become familiar with new materials, processes and equipments within and outside of his domain. He should consider learning but with a choice which directly relates to his discipline. Many excellent ideas are lost forever because the individual could not technically produce what he or she had envisioned.

The Basic design student should develop his communicative skills which should be visual, workable, numerical, and so on. Perhaps even more ideas are lost due to failure in communication. Generally, he may find it difficult to communicate a visual concept to individuals who are not visually oriented. He needs to sharpen his awareness of connotation and learn to use them to his advantage. Communication skills are essential in the research process. You often need information from individuals in a field other than the visual arts. How well can you communicate with a physicist, an actor, a medical researcher, a farmer, or a pilot ?

2 - 04 RESEARCH:
A Basic design student should be able to interpret research data. Research means asking questions, making observations, gathering information or data, visual documentation, and so on. We are living in the age of information. The student needs to learn computers and be aware of current developments. You cannot afford to waste time and effort reinventing the wheel with each new problem.

A Basic design student should develop a sensitivity to the problem and be able to recognise and identify problems and develop a problem solving methodology. He should approach problems from the point of view of the users and perform tasks so as to go beyond the norms. He should be a boundary pusher. We should be able to organise and synthesize diverse bodies of information, strive to see relationships between seemingly unrelated facts or information data and be thoroughly prepared to work on several problems simultaneously.

A Basic design student should be prepared to give constructive criticism, learn to be diplomatic and be self-critical. Most importantly, he should be able to accept things objectively, evaluate -- even severe criticisms -- of his work and remember that if a person criticises your work, he or she is not necessarily criticizing you as a person. He should be able to separate personal worth from his work.

As a Basic design student, you should be able and willing to make compromises in your work, not in your standards. For example, while working in groups, be open to other points of view and be willing to recognise that others may have an appropriate or a better solution to a specific problem than you have. Be willing to combine your ideas with the ideas of others as in doing so may result in a better solution. Be adaptable. Be flexible.

A Basic design student should orient himself towards the future. He should think ahead, but develop an ability to make use of past experiences and successes or failures in solving problems. He should be willing to share ideas and to teach others.

The Basic design student should be receptive to new experiences and take calculated risks. One may never know what is to be gained from an experience without trying. We learn best from personal experiences. Be entrepreneurial and develop an idea and make it pay.

A Basic design student should develop & learn to adopt philosophical, moral, and ethical standards by which to operate. He should consider the ramifications of his work on the levels of an individual, the society and the environment. He should be dedicated to his profession and to furthering the goals of that profession. He should have a legitimate reason to work.

2 - 11 WORK:
A Basic design student should enjoy his work. We work approximately 80,000 hours in our lifetime! The Basic Design student should be enthusiastic about his work. He should consider it a challenge, not a job and be prepared to work long and hard.

He should believe in himself and his abilities and be patient.


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